There was nothing quite as glorious as the last Friday on the farm when it rained. Apparently it never rains on the farm during the months June-August.

I would definitely do wwoofing again. Maybe in a different country next time so I can see different crops and avoid screaming babies. But really, I learned so much from that family. It made me re-discover small pleasures in life: eating a fresh berry from the vine, enjoying bread from flour that you ground yourself, and smelling freshly-picked mint. There's also that satisfying feeling of putting in a full day of physical labor; I'm usually in front of a computer or a book most of the day.

I'm trying to enjoy the fact that I'm in Italy right now, because I know in several hours when I'm home, I'll miss it. I might even think this whole trip was a blur. That would be awful- please don't happen!
There's a small part of me that is ready to go home, especially since I'm getting tired of taking trains, lugging my bags around, and not understanding what people are saying. I also miss talking to friends and family, since I've been cut off. There's th

When all is said and done, I'm quite impressed with myself. Despite the fact that I have a slight uneasiness when it comes to change, I wasn't phased by all of the traveling. The fact that I tackled this adventure so well makes me confident that my adventure into the working world will be a piece of cake. Of course, I need to land myself a job first :)
moment that I laughed the hardest: when Kate and I were delirious after traveling for 18 hours by train to get to Kandersteg

most awkward moment: sitting next to a creepy (and drunk) Italian guy in a train
most shocking fact I learned: there's a 70% income tax in Germany!
favorite museum: El Prado in Madrid
best view: from the top of the mountain in Kandersteg
place I need to visit again asap: the Louvre
city I'd most likely live in: Madrid or Milan
regrets: none.
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